I ran into an Issue

Hey blog, it's me Jenna. Welcome back here to tell you how I made my very entertaining all-about-me commercial. The editing of my commercial took so long, you have no idea, but it's fine, and after a lot of hard work, thinking, and editing, I came up with the best commercial you will ever see in your entire life. I'm being sarcastic, of course, but I really did try very hard and did my best work. But my commercial is all about baby Jenna, and it describes me so perfectly. The song, the videos, the pictures—everything fits the vibe I'm going for. Even though it took a lot of time and effort, I really got a good feel for the app I'm using and what everything does and how it works, which is really good practice for my up-coming projects with my group. But we ran into one little tiny issue, which was the song and the video audio. This part has been giving me so much trouble to try and stitch the video in without hearing the audio from the video. To edit the video, I have to use Capcut, which I have used before in the past, but not to this extent in the past. I would use it for TikToks because they have TikTok templates on there, and when I use that, I just pick the template I want and insert the pictures, and it does the rest for me.  But for this project, I actually had to work with all the different controls and buttons to piece everything together because there is no template for this. But I didn't know how to use the app or how to use it, so I had to ask my friends who took this class previously or are taking it now, as well as me, to help me figure out some difficult things I couldn't figure out on my own. Even though this was challenging, I had a fun time learning the software and making a video of my own, especially since it's about me. It's more fun because I know a lot about the subject and I'm very well educated on it, of course. And I had some ups and downs. But my fellow classmates helped me out, which made the process go by easier and more fun since I was able to converse with them even though it was only about school work. It was good to know I have people who are willing to help me if I need it. I hope you enjoyed it, and this is Jenna signing out. See you next time on the blog.


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