Production blog

 Hey blog, it's me Jenna. Welcome back here to tell you how my music video is going. So we were supposed to film this weekend but last minute we realized that we were firstly not prepared and secondly we were all super busy. For example, Mia had to go to her dad’s house all weekend, which is all the way in Miami. We could have still done it, but since I have a car, I would have to go and pick her up, which is far, and it would waste a lot of gas. Next, Amaya goes to Halloween horror nights, which I think we all completely forgot about. Not only did we forget, but she left Friday, so there would have been no time for us to film because she left Friday morning and we have school Next, I was busy because my birthday was the Tuesday before that weekend, so I was booked with family dinners and just celebrating my birthday overall, which was great. Well, it was good on Saturday, but when Sunday rolled around, I did homework all day, and I’m not even exaggerating. I woke up at 12:00 p.m. and didn’t finish my homework until 10:00 p.m. It's mostly my fault because I’m a huge procrastinator, but it’s also her fault because who gives that much homework like that is absurd.And finally Zoe who was with her mom all weekend who lives in plantation which is not as far as Miami like Mia but still pretty far.But we have a plan, kind of. So we can either do it Friday of this week, but our school has a football game on Friday, which I really want to go to, but school comes first, so you got to do what you got to do. But if we don’t do it Friday, we can do it Tuesday, which is a day off from school for us, which is thank God because I need a break. But that’s the only days we can do it because Amaya works the rest and she is already asking off for Tuesday so it would make sense to do it on Tuesday or Friday.I think I remember Mia saying something though on how she has plans on Tuesday but I don’t know we will have to see.But the best day for me would be Tuesday so let’s pray Mia plans get canceled so we can go to the football game on Friday and do our video on Tuesday.  I hope you enjoyed, and this is Jenna signing out. See you next time on the blog


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