Production blog

   Hey blog, it's me Jenna. Welcome back here to tell you how my music video is going. So last blog, I told you how we started filming and how we were going to film the rest on Wednesday. Well, we did, and let me tell you, it was a disaster. First, we totally forgot that the actors had to be in certain bathing suits for the beach scenes, so I had to drive back and forth across town to go to everyone's house to get the right bathing suit. Then we realized that it is cold outside and at least one of the actors has to go into the water, which could potentially get them sick. Then we got to the beach, and the waves were super rough and the current was harsh, but that day was the most ideal day to film, so it had to get done. Then one of my groupmates had to get home because of her curfew, forcing us to rush, which made it very stressful.  And finally, the deal breaker for them all is that after we finally finish and I'm getting ready to edit someone in my class, it reminds me that we were supposed to film in landscape mode as opposed to portrait mode, so now we have to film the entire thing over again, and Wednesday was the only day that was good for all of us, so now I don't know when we can film again. I had a gut feeling that we were supposed to be filming in landscape mode, but I don't know why I didn't, and it's funny because I was filming in portrait mode and was telling myself that it didn't look right. But whatever, this was a good learning experience. I just wish we hadn't filmed the entire thing and then realized it. When I realized I was literally about to start editing the video together, Thank God I noticed it soon enough, rather than the day before or something, because that would have been bad and very stressful. When I realized this, I immediately texted my group to tell them the bad news. They weren't mad, but they were certainly not thrilled because we had to work through those bad conditions of the waves and the weather for it to not work out in the end. For next time, I think I'm going to trust my gut because apparently it was right. So now i think we are going to try and film next Wednesday because thats the best day for all of us. Hopefully this time theres better weather conditions and better and we don't make a huge mistake again. I hope you enjoyed, and this is Jenna signing out. See you next time on the blog


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