production blog

 Hey blog, it's me Jenna. Welcome back here to tell you how my music video is going. So as we talked about last time, we messed up all of our film and were going to have to try again, which would be a big hassle because it's been kind of chilly outside the past couple of weeks, and our story involves going in the water, which could potentially get one of my actors sick, which would not be good, but I think we may have fixed some of it. So, as you know, we forgot the fact that we are supposed to film in landscape mode as opposed to portrait mode because it will come out bad when we go to post it, so we filmed our entire music video just to then realize this, and we thought we would have to change it, but I think we figured out a way to fix it without having to film the entire thing again. So since we are keeping the clips from our first time filming, I can tell you how the filming went. First off, we filmed the first two scenes a couple days before we filmed the rest of it because the first two scenes were inside and the rest were outside at the beach when it was cold out. The rest of the scenes were filmed on Fort Lauderdale Beach, which, now that I think about it, would have probably been better to film on the first day rather than the second day. The second day was not only cold but it was also super windy, which made the waves ruff and kind of unsafe, but thank God our actor who was going in the water is a really great swimmer, and also we were right there in case the waves got to ruff as well as the lifeguard. In the video, so it wouldn't get taken down for being inappropriate, the actors wore shorts to keep it slightly more PG. Most of the scenes we had to use the first take because once she got in the water, we couldn't redo the scenes where she was dry because it wouldn't make sense. Especially in the scene where she gets thrown into the water, we can't do that multiple times because she was already wet from the first take, if that makes any sense. Each scene had to be nine seconds or less, or we wouldn't meet the limit. I know that doesn't sound long, but it really is, and I didn't realize until we started filming how long nine seconds really is. So in the last scene, two new girls come up and ask the one girl if she would like to be their friend and offer her a towel. We didn't realize until that very moment that we didn't have the two new girls, so we had to improvise. When you see me in the last scene, just pretend you didn't, because it was very embarrassing and I was not prepared. In conclusion, our filming process wasn't the most glamorous and definitely wasn't the best, but I think it was pretty good for our first time. And next time, we will be sure to read all the instructions carefully before we start filming. I hope you enjoyed, and this is Jenna signing out. See you next time on the blog


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