production blog

 Hey blog, it's me Jenna. Welcome back here to tell you how my music video is going. Guys, I hate to say it, but we ran into another problem—yes, another—like this music video is just not going so well for us, especially me. So you remember how our last problem was about how we filmed in portrait mode instead of landscape? Well, of course I had to fix it because that would just not cut it for our project, and at first I thought I was going to have to film the entire thing again, but Mia figured out a way to edit it so we didn't have that problem anymore, and obviously I fixed it. I ran into a couple of hiccups, but I finished it, and I felt like a weight was lifted off my chest and I felt stress-free about this class. Well, we ran into another major issue, which is our fault, because before we started filming, someone in my group said, "Each clip has to be 9 seconds or less," and instead of listening to my gut again, I decided to go along with it and not check the PowerPoint. Well, guess what? My music video ended up being 1 minute and 50 seconds, whereas the music video is supposed to be 1 minute and 10 seconds and 15 seconds max. So something in me was like Jenna asked someone in your class how long the video is supposed to be, and they told me 1.10s, and my jaw dropped like no way did we mess up again, like this project is cursed for us. Now, of course, I had to fix it because that is a major issue. Thank God I was able to cut all the scenes down, and it still looked good. And when we were filming it, we were dragging it on for a while because we just couldn't get to nine seconds. Well, now I know why, because it wasn't even supposed to be that long. The moral of the story this project is cursed for us, but hopefully the next project goes a little more smoothly because this is tiring. Also, most of this stuff is my fault because I am the videographer, but not really because my group-mates told me the incorrect things, but because I should have known or even checked. In my next blog, I'm going to tell you guys all about how I think editing is fun and tedious, but I love to see the finished product. Once I got everything sorted out, I actually had a lot of fun editing. I hope you enjoyed, and this is Jenna signing out. See you next time on the blog


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