Genre Research: Mystery
One genre we thought of was a mystery.
Common camera angles used in a mystery video would be close ups to show the facial expression of the actors, extreme close ups to emphasize the thing shown like a prop, over the shoulder shot to give a dark feeling and POV shot may be used to give another perspective of what the actor is seeing.
Common Mis-en scene found in a mystery genre are costumes that fit into a mystery are dark colored clothes. the lighting is usually dark to create a mysterious sense and the acting is a fear or scared feeling.Makeup, props and setting depends on the video.
Common editing used in the genre are jump-cuts, reverse shots, and fade outs. Common sound used is dialogue, diegetic sound. An example of a mystery film i like is The Black Swan. Some elements of the mystery genre that don't appeal is an event not being explained to create suspense and questions.
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