Group blog

 Hey blog, it's me Jenna.
Welcome back here to tell you my lovely group mates and my ideas or at least my song because we are not all that planned out yet. So let's start with my lovely group-mates Mia and Zoe. All of us are hardworking and reliable, which is a good character trait if you are doing a project that has deadlines and stuff. Mia, who will be editing and in the film, is very creative, and even though we just started, she already has so many ideas. Which is really good for me because I'm stumped in thinking of ideas. Next, we have Zoe, who is a great actor, has some really amazing ideas, and is also good at editing, so she is a really good partner. Once again, this is good for me because their ideas combined are perfection and will probably turn out amazing. And lastly, me, who is your world-famous videographer together we are the perfect film group. Now, I can't tell you what our story is going to be yet, but just know it's going to be a good one, and hopefully it will make you laugh. Zoe and Mia put their heads together and came up with a very intriguing and, in my opinion, entertaining story idea. I don’t know exactly who we are going to have in our video yet. We don't have a set in stone idea yet but i know its going to be good. Personally i want to do something is the spooky genre but i have to talk to my group-mates about that and see some more definite ideas.  Of course, we still have some tweaks to make but at least we have a little bit of a idea, which is good because we just started this project like yesterday. So the more ahead we are the less stress we will be in the future.  Moral of the story my group mates and my story ideas are going to A+ worthy. Well is the Cambridge grading system maybe a C is more realistic. But i'm definitely striving for that A. I hope you enjoyed it, and this is Jenna signing out. See you next time on the blog.


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