Our Pitch

Pitch A: A girl who is still receives a call from her mother who she thought was dead.

Pitch B: A group of teens go on a cruise for spring-break but once they leave the port they realize its not a normal cruise and they have to try and survive for a week. 

Discuss Pitch A: I would like to make this film because it would be the most convenient. We have access to the destination for free. Not only do we have access to the destination but everything is free, we don't have to pay for props or anything which is the best case scenario. We have enough actors and don't need to ask anyone to be in it. Not only is the circumstance good but it think this one would be very exciting to film.

Discuss Pitch B: This pitch is definitely my second choice. It seems like a very interesting idea but we have several limitations in making it. For one, we can't really get to a cruise or a port to film. Another thing is, we aren't fond of the idea of being in the ocean. Overall, this is definitely the second pick.

My final Decision: Since we don't have access to a cruise we have decided to go with Pitch A: A girl who is still receives a call from her mother who she thought was dead.


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