

The group will be recording and filming at Jennas house and the nearby park right across the street. In addition, the group decided to add the outside of North High school and Jenna's neighborhood


Mia- Mary (mom)

Zoe- Sasha (daughter)






Zoe, Mia and Jenna 

Health and Safety 

 Jennas mom and brother have volunteered to act as a “safety team” by providing extreme supervision, with access to a phone that can dial 911 and a first aid kit.

For the scene where the daughter Zoe has a knife to open up the difficult box sent to her. We will be making sure she doesn’t accidentally cut or stab herself. 

For the scene where the location is moved, the supervisors will make sure we don’t get run over or run into any trouble with strangers while walking to the other place. 


2/01/24 - 2/05/24 Filming will finally start to begin. Jenna will film all of the shots with the techie in them, which occur in almost all scenes. Jenna will also record the voice -overs, which occur in scene 3 when the girls mom dies. Voice overs also happens in scene 6 when the dad and the daughter argue. 

2/07/24 - 2/09/24 The group will finish filming. This entails filming the scenes involving the mother "coming back from the dead" as she fakes her death and leaves her daughter devastated. 

 2/21/24 - 3/17/24  Editing will start immediately. From the scenes that Jenna has filmed, she will be uploading these to Cap cut in order to piece the film together.


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