Production: Editing

 Hey blog, it's me Jenna, welcome back here to tell you about our editing process. The day we filmed was the day we edited as well. As we know, I don't mind editing, so it has been no problem for me to edit and film these past two projects. I prefer it more than acting, and I like how I'm in charge so I can make sure it goes right. But now we are going to talk about adding the credentials. Although we aren't quite done with the credentials, we only need one more, which is the name of the studio and the name of the production company. All of these credentials are in red, white or black depending on the background.Next, we have the actor names, which are Zoe Reyes, Mia Hoepelman, and Jenna Antonelli. All of us were in at least one scene, and those are our only actors. Next we have the film title, which is The Call, which we came up with off of the plot of the story. Next, we have the music by Christopher Field and Brand X Music. Next is edited by Jenna Antonelli, also known as me. You can probably already guess that it is me, considering I have talked about it so much, and as we know, I don't mind editing. I haven't done the producer part yet because I have a couple questions about it, but I will do it soon once I ask my questions about it. The story is by Jenna Antonelli again, with much help from my group-mates, but I obviously can't put all of that together, so I will discuss with my group-mates which one they prefer. Next there is written by, which is in fact me again. Now that I think about it, back when we did our pitch ideas, we all came up with one pitch each and then had people vote on which one we should do, and the one I happened to come up with won. I just wanted to specify that so you don't think my group-mates do no work; they do a lot, and I'm so grateful to have them as my group-mates. And finally, it was directed by me, since I filmed it, came up with it, and edited it. But just to make sure, I'm going to ask my teachers one more time to be 100% sure. I hope you enjoyed and this is Jenna signing out. See you next blog.


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