Production: Filler

 Hey blog, it's me Jenna, welcome back here to tell you about our entire project. It's like a little project recap, and since this was our final task and really important, I might have to go into two parts, so buckle up. So first off, we have our intro blog, which is all about me, and I just happen to know a lot about that topic. So that one was very easy and quick to write because I just talked and talked and talked. Next, we did our group blog, where I talked about my lovely groupmates Mia and Zoe. Once again, I have a lot to say on that topic, considering they are some of my best friends. Next, we did our pitch, and for our pitch, we came up with three pitches and had a vote on which pitch was better. And in my last blog, I mentioned that the pitch we chose was my pitch. I don't know how, when, or why I came up with our pitch, but that was just the first thing that came to mind. But I like our pitch. Usually when I watch movies, I watch mystery movies and movies like our pitch, so maybe that's how I came up with it. I don't know. All I know is that it was easy enough to film but entertaining enough, so it doesn't look like we just came up with the easiest thing ever, if that makes sense. Next are the genre blogs, which I very much enjoyed. Something about me that you should know is that I love mystery shows, like Love, Love, Love. I can rewatch a mystery show or movie 10,000 times. I find them so interesting. Thats all for now next blog i'm going to tell you about the rest of the project. I hope you enjoyed and this is Jenna signing out. See you next blog.


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