Production: Film review changes

 Hey blog, it's me Jenna, welcome back here to tell you about the changes made. So, as you may know, we had some changes to make after our film review. Our lovely reviewer Franshesca reminded us we forgot quite a lot of camera angles, so as you know, we had to redo it. So yesterday after school, we went back to my house and filmed some scenes over again with the new camera angles. As I stated in my last vlog, the camera angles we missed were high angle, low angle, tilt shot, dissolve shot, shot reverse shot, and the establishing shot. For our high angle, we redid scene seven, where she is taking her mother's necklace out of the jewelry box. We chose this scene for this camera angle because the first take already kind of looked like this, so it was the easiest to remake. Not only that, it made the most sense, and to be honest, we should have thought of the first take because our first take makes no sense. The viewer can't even see the necklace she takes out of the box. For the low angle, we redid scene 22 because the main character Sasha bends down to pick up the box, so we had the camera angle at the low angle. We feel as though this makes the scene more interesting. For our tilt shot, we redid scene four, where Sasha was looking out the window, crying. We redid this one so we could get more footage of her crying and the window to make it more realistic. In the first take, we didn't do it to our best ability; we just did it to get it done. For our dissolve shot, I just had to edit so we didn't need to film it again. For our shot in reverse, we just redid the second scene where she has a conversation with her mom; this made it more surreal. And finally, for our establishing shot, we could have kept it the same, but to make it better, we just decided to redo it. We redid scene fourteen, but this time focused on specifically the car in the building rather than following her with the camera. I hope you enjoyed and this is Jenna signing out. See you next blog.


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