Production: Filming

 Hey blog, it's me Jenna, welcome back here to tell you our filming process. So to start off, we filmed on February 19th and, thankfully, got it all done in one day. And not only did we get all the filming done in one day, but after that, I was able to edit it in only an hour, so if you ask me, that's pretty good timing. Since we started filming so soon and got it done so soon, we had time to take a break before we had to do our production blogs. To start off, I had to wake up bright and early to clean my house so it was clean for the video. Then that day we filmed, I went and picked up my group mates since I'm the only one with a car and took them to the place we were filming at, which was my house. Although first we had to get some food because we were starving, how were we supposed to focus on an empty stomach?Whatever i'm getting off track, after we ate our food we were able to work and focus. So in our video, my group mate Mia and Zoe were the actors while I was filming, which worked out perfectly because I don't like to be filmed like that. But I did make my big debut in two scenes, so stay tuned for the best acting performance you have ever seen in your entire life. Zoe played the main character, Sasha, and she did so well. But since our schedules didn't allow us to film multiple days, Zoe had to bring multiple different outfits so that she wouldn't film all in the same outfit because it's unrealistic for a character in a movie to be in the same outfit throughout the entire movie, and an opening sequence is a preview of the movie, so it has to show a variety of clothing. So while we were filming, we were doing so well until I accidentally started filming in portrait mode instead of landscape. Thankfully, I caught it soon enough, and we had only filmed like 3 scenes, and they were easy scenes to film, so we just did it again. But what a coincidence! The same thing I did on the last project stressed me out a lot. I did the same thing on this one, but unlike the last project, I caught this before it was too late. Next blog i'll tell you more about of filming experience don't worry. I hope you enjoyed it, and this is Jenna signing out.
See you next time on the blog.


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