Production: Filming

  Hey blog, it's me Jenna, welcome back here to tell you our filming process. In the last blog, I told you about the first part of our day, but now I'm going to tell you about the actual process of filming the video. First off, we have 30 scenes, and our idea for our video is supposed to be like, you know, when you see trailers, it's like a two-second clip of a scene from the movie with like a couple of words and then cuts to the next scene with music in the background. I don't know if that made any sense, but I'm trying to give a better visual. And I would give you an example. For the entire duration of the time we have been doing this project, I have been able to think of the trailer. But of course, our video is not award-worthy, but I think for some high school students, we did pretty well. For example, we didn't give away the entire plot, and we did everything we were supposed to. But during our filming, we were pretty quick with it, like we didn't have to do so many takes like we normally do. We were able to get 30 scenes done in two hours, which is so good. I know people who haven't even started yet, and we are done. And usually we procrastinate, which I think is very good. But unfortunately, we were very stressed during the filming because we were on a time crunch. Zoe had to be home by 4:00, and we started at 2:00. She lives like 30 minutes away, so we had to leave at 3:30, which only gave us 1:30 to film, and we had to get it done then because we couldn't film any other day. So we spent the entire time stressing and at the last minute Zoe's parents said that she had un til 4:30 so at the end of the day we had two hours to film. But I also had to drop off Mia, who lives like two blocks away from Zoe, so it wasn't that bad, but it still cut us short.But we were able to finish early, which means we could get ice cream to reward us for all our hard work. Well thats everything about of filming process join us next time for the editing process. I hope you enjoyed it, and this is Jenna signing out. See you next time on the blog.


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