Last and certainly not least

 Hey blog, it's me Jenna, welcome back here to tell you about our entire project again. Wow this is the end of an era. I had so much fun working on this project and now we are practically done so let’s do a little recap. Let’s start off with my group mates who became some of my best friends from doing this project actually. I couldn’t have asked for any one better then them. We all put in our all to help make this the best project that we have ever done and to be honest it might not be the best but it certainly isn’t the worst and I am proud of us even if we don’t get the best grade on it we worked hard and at the end of the day that’s all that matters. Not only did we do our best but we had so many good laughs and bonding moments. For example watching Mia throw herself in the waves in our music video was so funny. And watching Zoe and Amaya use their “powers” to throw Mia in the waves was hilarious. In my opinion this class is the funniest class I have ever taken in my high school career. Next I wanna talk about how much this class has taught me like if you think about it I didn’t know what camera angles were or I didn’t know have to edit an opening sequence. Like I don’t plan on being a director or producer in my life time but to know that stuff makes me feel so smart like if I wanted to I could. Although I do know actually movie editing and filming is a lot harder than what we did I still like to imagine my life as someone who does that in the future. I mean I hope this class is still around when I have kids so they can do this because man I learned a lot from this class. And I know your like “Jenna you learn a lot from all your classes” but this is the first class that I actually really enjoyed coming to. And even just me enjoying coming to it makes me want to pay attention and learn if that makes any sense. I know I still have to embed my video onto my blogs so this is not goodbye yet and also I don’t know if we have a blogs after that but I will definitely do a goodbye when I embed my video. But, i hope to see you again soon. And I hope you enjoyed and this is Jenna signing out. See you next blog.


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