Production: Filler continued

 Hey blog, it's me Jenna, welcome back here to tell you about our entire project again. So we last left off on the genre blogs, and I was telling you that I’m a big fan of mystery movies, which is why I wanted to make our genre mystery. Next are our movie convention blogs, which were kind of a lot of work, but it was easy because they were formatted, but still not my favorite. Next is our title research blog, which I found very intriguing because I got to see other movie titles, and it was also not bad to do. Next is our script and schedule, which I loved doing because, at that point, we had our pitch idea, but when I was able to write the script, it was like my idea was coming to life. All I kept thinking was, I understand why people become directors and movie writers. The amount of creativity you use to write movies and scripts is fascinating. Also, our schedule, which was kind of a fail because we ended up going completely off schedule—people had to work, and then some of us have strict parents—just didn’t end up going as planned, which I talked about a lot in my blogs because it was our biggest obstacle. Next was our title design blog, which I really liked, but I have a story to tell you guys, so when we were ready to put our credits in, I went to go look for the title we had chosen, and CapCut had taken it away, so we had to choose a brand new font, which I have no problem with. I just really liked our old font. Next is our storyboard, for which I’m not the best artist and I’m certainly not good at drawing, but I enjoy doing storyboards. Even though I can’t draw, I still like to, and I like to pretend I can draw. And finally, our production blogs, which most definitely have to be my favorites because they are so easy for me, like all I do is talk and talk and talk, and now it’s like I have a good reason to just talk, and I get them done so fast because I just write whatever comes to mind. But I loved to tell you guys about our filming process and editing. Even though we edited so many times and I kept having to redo it, it was fun seeing our vision come to life, and never in a million years did I think Jenna Antonelli could film and edit together a video or an opening sequence. I also love the production blogs because they help me sharpen up on my grammar skills. I desperately needed to work on that since I had my SAT. Thats all for now next blog I’m going to just keep on talking about the ending of our project. I hope you enjoyed and this is Jenna signing out. See you next blog.


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