Lets Reflect

Hey blog, it's me Jenna. Welcome back here to tell you how I made my very entertaining all-about-me commercial. Now that I have submitted my project, I cant make any more changes, which I have done many times. So let's clear things up. I said I was doing something on my blog, which ended up changing because I am very indecisive and can't stick to something. First off, I didn't end up making my video all about baby Jenna and only using baby pictures; I actually ended up making it based on what I liked, which isn't very interesting, so it wasn't a very long video. So the only things I really like are my family, of course, and hanging out with my friends, so I have a picture of me with my mom, dad, and brothers, and then my videos of me with my friends. I was very surprised. I had everything I needed right in my camera roll. So I already had my video done and everything, but then I was going through my camera roll and I saw all the pictures and videos that were in...