Production: Film Review

  Hey blog, it's me. Jenna, welcome back here to tell you our film review. For our film review, we had our friend Franshesca watch our video and tell us what we did wrong. First, she pointed out how we missed so many camera angles. Then she pointed out that we forgot our credentials, which I already knew, but I just have to remember to do that soon and not wait till the last minute. But more importantly, we need to fix those camera angles, like yesterday. As I said in past blogs, we can only film on the day we filmed, but now we are going to have to move some stuff around so we can film again. Luckily, it wasn't that many, but we still need to fix them so we can get a good grade. The camera angles we missed are high angle, low angle, tilt shot, dissolve shot, shot reverse shot, and the establishing shot. We don't have to redo the establishing shot, but we can do it better. All of these shots are definitely a setback, but they are not the worst things in the world to fix. To fix this, it will probably take, like, a maximum of an hour because these are relatively easy things to fix. Otherwise, Franshesca said our video was good. She would know because she took this class last year and got a C on the Aice exam. But thankfully she pointed these issues out because if she hadn't, it would definitely affect our score in the future. She did mention, though, how she liked the editing with the music and how it wasn't too loud, but you could still hear it. As well, she liked the sound in the beginning to represent parents fighting. Well, that's our film review. I hope you enjoyed it, and this is Jenna signing out. See you next blog!



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